
How To Upload A Gif Into Second Life

These pages testify some of the tricks and techniques I use in scripting and creating objects in the online world of 2nd Life and OpenSimulator. I hope you find them useful and pass them on to your friends.

Follow my accounts above or send me an email to fred at or at the link at the bottom.

At that place are many more than Free Tools, Tricks and Tips in office ii!

DreamGrid - a free Opensim Server that is piece of cake to use

Dreamgrid home page DreamGrid is the latest Opensimulator server. DreamGrid is piece of cake to install with simply a few clicks. It include an Icecast/Shoutcast streamer, PHP7, streaming video Apache server, MP3 streaming parcel media music, Robust grid manager, Mysql and FSassets databases. Dreamgrid is Authenticode signed, trusted code, and is completely complimentary with no ads. License is AGPL V3.0 open up source. DreamGrid runs on Windows 7, 8, 10, and all versions of Windows server.

Your outset region awaits you! At that place are seatrch engine for the 150+ free regions yous can get with a click. Shown here is a search for 'island'. This free DLC literally price me thousands of dollars in license fees, but yous go to use them exclusivly in DreamGrid for costless! Some of these OARS are available for sale past their authors for use outside the DreamGrid.


This video shows how DreamGrid tin utilise very little memory withal run any of the 150+ free regions on small-scale memory machines (8GB) running Windows 7, 8 or ten.

Loading mesh in Second Life or Opensim from Blender

Seems no i really knowss how to go Mesh to load in SL or Opensim. Here is what I exercise.

Blender (2.79) script to set up bad mesh.

The second matter to do is to count the number of prims in your blender file. You lot can read this right from the top of the screen.

Create that many cube prims and save them as a seprate DAE. Usse that as a physics model. Go to the physsics tab in your viewer, and change the physics blazon to "From file". Load the cube model.


You lot may have heard of animesh: Here is a link to the main folio:

Animesh actually is different - you can link prims and mesh to animesh, or attach an animesh to your avatar. My latest instance in the free Hobbiton region is a cart ridden by Gandalf, with an animesh pony linked to it. Below is a animesh man waiting for a NPC to take his order. He is non sitting there on a poseball like an NPC would. He is literally a prim I moved into identify. I can  adhere him to me, position him at my side when I sit, and he would animate the same no matter where I was.

Now think about the Bento skeleton. Bento is human being, merely also much like an eight legged octopus. If you showtime at the pelvis, and spread the bones out, you take ii legs and tail bones (3), two arms and a neck/head/skull sets (6), two wings and two hind legs (10). That is 10 radiating sets of basic you can weight paint into anything made of mesh, so upload information technology. An 8-legged octopus is possible, - and you still have the head bones for his head, and the face bones are at that place , plus optics and one arm or leg set to animate the beak underneath!

Imagine the possibilities of something you attach to your avatar. No, not an octopus, though it is easily washed, just right click and habiliment it on some office of your torso. Shoulder pets obviously come to mind. Only how nearly a bird that is sitting on your shoulder, that flies off and around and lands? 100% client-side, no physics. What about dresses with long trains that flow and curve left or right behind you lot if the command keys for walk and turn are pressed? Only a simple script that plays different blitheness as yous walk and turn. At present imagine hair that flows like real hair in the wind, without flexible prims. It is fake physics, just it can be washed - it is limited only past your imagination!

A costless cross-grid database for LSL

A simple to use, defended, shareable database for all to apply to save and persist data across scripts, regions, and grids. The URL is at where y'all will find the basic instructions. You apply LSL to fetch a web folio with a 'store' field, and information technology will salvage a name and a value. Here is an instance to save the primal AnimalName = bunny.

To get back the AnimalName, you change the directive to 'load' and ask for AnimalName:

The 'service' is any UUID. These can be used for security, or to place a grid, region, person, prim, a project or whatsoever. If this UUID is set to the llGetOwner(), the then data would be stored where prims owned past that avatar can easily get it back.

Lots more help from Maria at Hypergrid Concern is at

This is my presentation at OSCC2018 on Dreamgrid.  In this talk I show some of the new features introduced over the terminal twelvemonth, forth with a few of stats. And talk about a few things in the works that might get done in 2019.

OSCC2017 DreamWorld Presentation (PDF).

Introducing Ruth ii.0 - a free high quality mesh female avatar


Ruth 2.0 is a scratch-built, open up-source, Opensim/Second Life compatible mesh avatar designed past Shin Ingen. She includes Blender (.blend) files, DAE exports, template textures, skins, and somewhen will include scripts and HUD. The goal of Ruth 2.0 is to make a high quality, 100% free mesh avatar that can utilise accessories from Maitreya and other quality mesh products.

Ruth is available now on Github.

Help Needed

This is a new projection and is even so under development. Delight volunteer to help!  Email me, or utilise git and ship a pull asking. Collaborators can assistance in many areas. These range from general advice on what is needed, bug chasing, weight painting, skins, mesh making, scripting, and and so on. As merely one example, if you know Gimp, or Photoshop, we demand aid converting these many free skins into PNG textures, and so into in-world skins that are ready to vesture. In globe conferences are needed, too. to help spread the knowledge included in here into new products.


Ruth ii.0 is AGPL listed, which ways she must e'er be gratis and you lot must pass that freedom on to others. This does not prohibit you making and selling clothing, skins, accessories, hair and other parts for her.

3D Paint for Free

The Windows 10 Creators Edition has a lot of useful free 3D content in the new 3D paint program. 3D in Windows x is an like shooting fish in a barrel-to-employ paint program for 3D objects and people like me who take no painting skills. I usually employ Substance Painter which requires just technical skills. This is an all-new Paint 3D plan and a large online repository like SketchFab that allows you to create or modify 3D objects, easily change color or texture, or turn 2D images into 3D works of art.

It works a lot like Archipelis - a plan I used for many years to take second pictures and turn them into 3D sculpts. This program also supports importing of 3D objects and adding paint to them.

Windows Creator Edition 3D Paint

This steampunk gramophone is 7,931 vertexes and looks swell. The simply processing I had to do was to export is as FBX, Import the FBX to Blender, and remove the doubles.

Blender version osf the gramophone

The original is located at Remix:

Become Windows 10 Creators Update now.

Downward the rabbit pigsty!

Dr. Ramesh Ramloll originally shared to Opensim Virtual (Opensim Technology)

This is an uncut version of a wonderful conversation I had with Fred Beckhusen. Savor!

Danger! Caution!

Danger! Caution! This sim OAR is dangerous! And it should be fun, likewise, as I threw in some funny mooFerd cows and overly friendly sheep. :-)

Danger Grave Danger Sandbox

Danger! is a simple game of "Do Non Die". It's also "No Fly" - then no adulterous! It'southward full of deadly stuff that teleports you dorsum a pace. Try not to fight with the skeletons of those who already dared to try the swamps, deserts, and ghostly areas. If you lot can brand it past the first iv levels, it sends you to more levels at the Outworldz "Yo Fankie" sim where you tin can try to accomplish the lighthouse to fire away the fog and become out. Or maybe ride in the cow races. Whatever, nosotros won't tell anyone you got lost, you loser.

Information technology'due south available now in the Outworldz "Dreamworld" download menu at

Information technology'due south all CC-BY-NC-SA and CC_BY content, and so feel gratuitous to play with the mesh bits so long as y'all pass the credits onward. Danger! is complimentary to play, complimentary to mod and a good place to die.

Don't want to download Dreamworld? You can effort your luck on the Hypergrid at hop://world wide Danger

Outworldz Opensim I-Click Hypergrid for Windows

The Outworldz Opensim Hypergrid is a Microsoft Windows-compatible virtual reality organization that is piece of cake to install, easy to run, and powerful. It it costless and is open source.

Anyone tin run their ain grid from domicile or at work. It automatically configures routers for the Hypergrid. It comes with MySql, the "Diva" version of OpenSim, Diva'south WiFi admin interface and the OnLook viewer. It creates a sample virtual world with HyperGrid capability and easy-to-load OpenSim Archive (OAR) files.

Download and Instructions are online.

I've purchased exclusive distribution rights to several Lost Globe OAR files for the Outworldz Opensim system. The new sims can be loaded with simply a few clicks in the Content carte, every bit shown beneath.

Dance in the political party room in your Island Paradise, fly the skies of Alpha Centauri, and walk among the fairies in Fantasy land, all by Joe Builder from fame.

These sims are exclusively distributed by Outworldz, LLC, and for use just in the Outworldz Opensim system. Only that's not a trouble, every bit you can become the Outworldz for free

How to render a dragon in Blender

How to return a dragon in Blender is about creating the background and the bones movement of the dragon.

Role 2 covers animative the wings and the head and legs, and how to render it with Blender and a free Render Farm.

Eight free mesh avatars!

Eight free mesh avatars

Virunga Mountains

Jessie Campbell wrote a very fine piece in Visionz magazine on our 9-sim Virunga Mountain simulation honoring Dian Fossey and Roz Carr. We waited years for Opensim to be get the engineering working well plenty to run it, and it took two more years to make information technology.

Virunga Mountain coordinates

Tinkers Flying Lesson

I've looked everywhere for open source Blender scenes that are suitable for learning animating and mesh modelling that is likewise conmpatible with with Opensim or Second Life. Zip. None. And so I made 1 for y'all to play with, and tendered a brusk video for you. This video shows some NPC players and avatars for Opensim and Second life. These are all free (or will exist soon) Opensim-compatible avatars.

Yous can practise this too, as the software I used to brand this, and all the mesh models are free!


I have tried very hard to make diamonds wait their all-time on Rapunzel's crown, but we accept no reflections and so they look slow and lifeless. The solution: a GIF and a one-line script!

Jewelry that moves Jump

Rainy Solar day Windows

Want rainy windows? Here is how to add them to your dwelling.

Thousands of Radio Stations for Complimentary

shawnkmaloney Craftgrid, (aka Mr. Radio) asked if I had a better radio. I have used this Media On A Prim radio for a long time - and at present anyone can use it, provided you go on it gratis. There are currently 1,631 "most pop" radio stations in information technology. It auto-updates, and all stations are all checked for performance periodically. It has search and sort, and plays with just a click.

License is CC-BY-NC-SA, which ways anyone anywhere can utilise information technology, so long as they keep it costless and pass it on.

It's but ane script, and is really piece of cake to apply. Go it here.

Show off your photos

My desktop always shows the all-time art from Second Life and OpenSim via Flikr, from my hard bulldoze, from Facebook, and a dozen other photo services. Yous tin take art like this also, with John's Groundwork Switcher for PC'southward. I set mine to the best 500 Photos from #SecondLife, plus my Flickr business relationship.

Become Johns Groundwork switcher here:

+shawnkmaloney Craftgrid, (aka Mr. Radio) asked if I had a improve radio. I accept used this Media On A Prim radio for a long fourth dimension - and now anyone can use information technology, free. There are currently 1,631 "most popular" radio stations in it. It auto-updates, and all stations are all checked for operation periodically. Information technology has search and sort, and plays with but a click.

License is CC-By-NC-SA, which means anyone anywhere can use information technology, and then long as they keep it complimentary and *pass it on*.

It'south but one script, and is really piece of cake to utilize.

Get the all-time pics in SL here

My Flikr:

Run Opensim as a Service on Windows

NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service ManagerApply OpenSource to run Opensim equally a service on Windows:

i) Get go NSSM from

2) Type this: "nssm install OpenSim "C:\Opensim\bin\OpenSim.exe"

This creates an Opensim entry in your Services.

3) Type "Services.msc" in the Run menu and start Opensim every bit a service

You lot may have to change the path to OpenSim.32BitLaunch.exe depending upon your version vs 64 bits.

Mixamo Blitheness Conversion to OpenSim and 2nd Life

There are many available animations in the CMU library and at web sites such as Mixamo by Adobe.  You lot can convert those BVH animations to Second Life or Opensimulator format with Blender and the Avastar plugin by Machinamatrix.  I wrote upwardly a sequence that you tin can utilise if you know a scrap of Blender, and have the Avastar plug in.


How to brand better Random Numbers

Sometimes when you are programming yous need "something" to happen randomly. Such as when shooting a gun at another player: you want it to not always hitting and do it randomly. Possibly yous desire to have a physical affair happen, like a ball to fall onto a spot, but y'all don't want it to hit the same spot every fourth dimension. There are lots of physical things that need some randomness. Flight of a bird, the waves that stone a gunkhole, the aim of a gun; these things need a mode to summate the center around some value and then fluctuate randomly, such every bit in this chart:

 We need a Better Random Number Generator!

Phaze Dragons is ONLINE!

Come wing our super dragons in Opensim - Gratis - No other virtual globe has anything like this! Exclusively in the Outworldz at

This is a shortie from a battle in the Outworlds, recorded In the best Flash Gordon musical and film traditions (i.eastward., cheesy). You tin tell that I suck at filming, flying, and flaming while chewing gum at the same fourth dimension, and then I blame my being shot into the sea by a daughter on my running out of chimera gum. I particularly dear that Adam Ivie and his unique light-green dragon got flamed and dunked on several occasions, especially since he always broiled, crunched, toasted, and snacked  on me whenever we tried out his really fantastic addition of the flames and fire.
Filmed at world wide

Updates to the Mesh library

Top 10 signs

Top x signs that Linden Lab is releasing Sansar, a new 2d Life-similar globe, shortly:

x. Giant 1000 sale at Linden Village
9. Parking spaces on Linden Street can only be reserved by "Sansar App" on iPhones. No Linux version available yet.
8. Substance Painter for PBR texturing is at present priced in Lindens
seven. Maya is on sale for 1 meg Lindens, unless you claim to exist a student, then it'due south free.
6. "HELP WANTED" sign posted outside the lab: "Students wanted as interns : Must be able to blazon".
5. Linden Bears are all gone - DMCA'd by  "SansarBear@National".
4. Kervorkian Linden seen in Linden Realms being chased by Death Linden
three. Splash Screen says "Mixamo will be back as soon as Adobe, who bought them,  can figure out how to brand coin off Sansar"
2. Employee Discount days discontinued at Yadnis Freebie's, and they too discontinued Yadni's entire Freebies sim.
1. Philip Linden took his last, best codpiece over to

Make a Non Player Character walk on the ceiling ( or anything else move, hands)

This is a nifty script for moving a prim when sat on -It as well may prove useful for anyone that needs a way to get NPCs to do other incommunicable-looking things. It includes a unproblematic-to-utilise road recorder system. I accept used this blazon of script for years, for tours and magic carpets, airplanes and cars, romantic swan rides for valentines twenty-four hours, for bird rides, and even a hummingbird. This one is Opensim compatible, and relatively low lag, as information technology uses llKeyFrameMotion() , which is mostly functional in Opensim. In SL this would be simpler, with at_target instead of a timer, only well, you know... bugs. I've even used it as a teleport pad hanging off the edge of a sci-fi area - when you click the pad, yous stand on it, the pad moves smoothly around in the sky, and unsits you at a destination.


Information technology can use Aine Caoimhe'south super-useful NPC poseball scripts to brand a NPC appear to walk anywhere.

You can get it here at the free script library!


You can use the All-in-I to walk a NPC to information technology, and then sit a NPC on it. Information technology can accept a crazy-upside down route, similar inside that crawly Escher firm, the All-In One tin unsit them, and the NPC can carry on nether All-In-I control to the next spot.   It as well tin loop continually, which would be perfect for an Escher house. In the GIF above with my troll, I used non-loop manner, and recorded a pair of recorder boxes at each corner of a square. One touch of the base and information technology records the route. and then only sit on it. It unsits at the cease in non-loop fashion. I just ready it to sit-on-click - you lot can come across my cursor.


To make a NPC sit on it and walk weird, record a route by following the instructions. So issue the following commands to the All-In-One NPC recorder:

@walk=<x,y,z>(get about the invisible prim)
@sit=NameOfPrim (sit down on information technology)
@intermission=30 (or nonetheless long your route takes)

The route prim has a walk animation built in. It will walk your NPC upside downwardly, sideways, even so its been recorded and and then unsit the NPC.

Breedable Flowers in an IAR

Breedable Flowers in an IAR - but starting time, and relevant then please deport with me ... I just received some other snapshot of a paw-built "breedable robot" living in yet another virtual world, by Grigio Horan. Breadable pets accept been around ever since Xundra Snowpaw invented them in 2009 or so. This pet is based on her work.

Information technology took a few emails dorsum and forth with Grigio to get the arms waving, only Grigio solved it and information technology'southward working now. He did information technology all - and via Google Translate, too, equally Grigio is pure Italian. Xs Pets are not so unproblematic to brand - and I know from studying his emails how very hard it is when you don't speak English.

And then pics or it didn't happen - ..and then I just got this pic - and then Congratulazioni, Grigio !

So why is this relevant? Xundra Snowpaw has surfaced again and she has breedable flowers! Xundra killed her SL avatar and disappeared 5 years ago afterward releasing the XS Pet code which is the code I've modified into this more univeral robot-and-other pet code. She released the original source lawmaking under the MIT license dorsum in 2010. It took me 3 months of hard work back then just to figure out wtf she had washed. OOooohhh catchy... and now at that place are a lot of new plug-ins and features and the lawmaking has been ported to the various flavors of Opensim as well every bit Secondlife.

And then I but searched for her and found out that *she has breedable flowers in an IAR* I take to attempt these!

Robot tutorials:

Scripting Showcase Trail is now open! -

The Scripting Showcase Trail past Hypergrid Safari in Opensim has a stop in our Virunga Mountains where you can ride an elephant and chase after the hippo and other animals. (Easter Egg tip: await in the bathroom in our model of humanitarian Rosamond Carr's firm)

I'll exist giving out rideable NPC scripts and animals. Come up ride an elephant and find the go out to go some of my best scripts and NPC animals.

Want to look? Watch the Scripting Showcase Trail Video by Fuschia Nightfire.

More trail spots are by Prowess Rayna, Acryline Erin, Aine Caoimhe, Dirk Mathers, Gimisa Cerise, Jeff Kelley, Kayaker Magic, Aime Socrates, Walter Balazic, Camryn Darkstone, Cheops Forlife, and Snowbody Cortes.

More Updates to the Seamless Texture Library!

Seamless Texturs CC-0

Free Mesh Avails from ofttimes sponsors Open Movies and Open Games and (so far) i game, then releases the content with the very permissive Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. many of you already know that I've used their assets to make a mini-game in Opensim, based roughly on their Yo Frankie! game in the Blender Game Engine. This zip file includes several of their wonderful characters, such as the ram, sheep, and Momo the monkey which are now SecondLife/Opensim boned avatars. if you desire to play my version, find your manner via the hypergrid to and start stomping acorns!

All the assets ported from Yo Frankie to Second Life/Opensim formats are bachelor individually or in a zip file (440 MB). The original files are also available from files are Copyright

Gratis Online Normal Mapper

Second Life and Opensim both back up Normal Maps, which lets you create particular in simple 3D models without adding geometry, which makes the viewer testify 3D content without using up precious cycles rendering all those details. Creating them normally requires $$$ tools like Photoshop, Crazy Bump (which I use extensively), or Blender.

But now you can make useful normal maps for many repetitive substances such as rocks, brickwork and other textures online thank you to Ptry Christian at

Just drag a texture onto the left window and then fifddle with it until it looks skillful.

Free Normal Map online

The above column texture looks like this in earth:

Free normal map online

Costless 3D painter

A tip from De Asanta led me to this simple and free 3D painter program. It's not fancy and Windows 7 or 8 users may need to install it past right-clicking and selecting Run As Administrator, but you tin can certainly paint in 3D with it on 3DS, LWO, or OBJ files. You can convert to and from DAE with the free Meshlab.

Free 3D paint programn

Oprah shouts Terrains! Everybody gets a free Terrain!

Magnuz Binder of Metropolis Grid reports that there are now 1645 Creative Eatables-Aught (free) terrains available to look at and use from the Metropolis grid. They are besides available online or past clicking this moving-picture show. Sizes range from singles up to behemothic Var regions of 25 sims, or more, and anyone with a photograph editor can resize these upward to really giant sim sizes.

600 free terrains

Phaze Demesnes is Airtight

We closed the sim Phaze Demesnes on December 27, 2014. Information technology was a wonderful six years. Phaze was well-nigh a half-robot, half-homo who brutal in dear with a magical girl that also could turn into a hummingbird. Nosotros will miss Phaze, forever.

Hither are a few of the things Debbie Edwards and I learned from running the sim.

Gratis mesh hair for Second life and Open Sim

Some wild mesh pilus from my "Aili" Japanese girly daughter project - weight painted to fit any avatar.

License is Open up Source CopyLeft do what you lot want. Textures from Linda Kellie, Hair by Ferd ( that'south meeze).

Zip file for Mesh hair Zip file has the Blender file and a DAE exported for Opensim.

You will need to upload this with the checkboxes enabled on the 3rd screen for information technology adhere equally weighted mesh. Article of clothing it on any zipper bespeak as the bones will motility it into place.

Schrodingers Kitteh in OpenSim



kin brand dis NPC kitteah kat at present. After I put out teh furst 2 teh OpenSim NPC kitteh kats, i knew i musta made mistaek. Teh furst testify? Dearest friend Debbeh seeze small-scale wormhole announced in Virunga sim an noticd teh tail ov NPC kat goin into it. Srsly!

At present dinnr iz usually me sittin by myself equally i mak lotz da funny noisez an spattr two mutch claret four anyone 2 stand and am late anywayz. Im alone 2 swallow cheezburger in peace. Just noooo, not tonite, thx 2 teh kat update. She iz on teh fone insistin teh kat iz iz trappd undr footing an iz still meowin an purrin an will die. Must log in. Must do so nao! Come rescue teh NPC kat, plz.


I tin can has be Hero! (Continued) .... or kthxbye

Live on a Sphere in Opensim and Second Life

Moons of Phaze

E'er wanted to make a world within a earth? At present you can make Sphere Worlds in Second Life or OpenSim!

This is me, walking around a moon of Phaze:

It'south like shooting fish in a barrel and free, and yous can sell them. (My scripts are Not-commercial, so no selling but the scripts, just when yous use them in a build, you lot can sell the build).

When y'all brand one, please send a movie and I'll postal service a gallery of them.

Blender tips for Opensim and Second Life

Blender workflow for Second life and Opensim My workflow/checklist when using Blender in 2nd Life and Opensim.

There are a lot of nice tutorials on Blender, and they cover everything you need except all the necessary steps to make a model for 2nd Life and OpenSim. Things like removing doubles, back-face alternative, and how to convert models from curves and surfaces to mesh are missing.

I hope this checklist is useful for those who have gotten bitten by the Blender bug.


TransmogrifierDesire to transmogrify? Plough into a bat, a bird, or a dragon when you lot fly? Accept yous e'er wanted to be a kid, like CaCalvin, and invent a transmogrifier? The transmogrifier is an invention of Calvin'due south that would turn one affair into another. It looks like a large cardboard box, which we take plenty of in OpenSim. This like shooting fish in a barrel-to-make Transmogrifier will switch you into an animal when you wing and back once again to your usual aberrant self when you state.

This is a simple project to make, requires very little scripting cognition, and works in OpenSim, just information technology will not work in every case because it uses invisprims. Results are going to be just like when Calvin does transmogrify: erratic.

Non-Player Characters (NPC) in Opensim

I've collected a bunch of scripts for creating and working with non-player-characters (NPC's) in OpenSim.

The newest one I wrote to make it easy for anyone to play with NPC'due south. It is a Recorder for utilize as a NPC Puppeteer script.

It'due south a lot of fun to take tigers and elephants roaming around!

All ad revenue from clicking this advertisement is donated to developers.

FATEcreate Mesh Template Source Files

Damien Fate removed his FATEcreate templates from sale, and open sourced them.

You can download the source files to 32 female and 19 male mesh templates, for free.

Free Avatars

I've published a group of free mesh avatars for you to make. They range from very simple to very circuitous. Many more coming soon.

Aili Tandy The tiny Fairy

Gerry the Lizard Billly the Dog

Cheeter the Monkey Quebot

Flash Scratch for Second Life and OpenSim

There is a new version (0.viii) of Scratch for Second Life with many more commands, and it is even simpler to utilize for scripting for OpenSim and Second Life. Information technology is called Flash Scratch-to-Linden-Script Language, (FS2LSL), and it entirely web-based. FS2LSLwas made past a whole bunch of brilliant people. The version I am using came from John K. Bennett, Director of the ATLAS Constitute at the Academy of Colorado at Boulder,( and many others) where he and his students have produced dozens of useful scripts that match the excellent book Scripting Your World: The Official Guide to 2nd Life Scripting, past Dana Moore, Michael Thome, Karen Haigh. I must totally agree with him, this is by far the best book on LSL scripting.

Seat positioner

Hither is a simple Seat Positioner in FS2LSL:

FS2LSL now supports dozens of useful and piece of cake to apply script blocks, and the files can be loaded and saved to disk.

  • OpenSim or Second Life syntax
  • No download needed - web based
  • Elevate and drop "Scratch-like" interface
  • Lots of Events, Sensors, Listeners, Control blocks and Motion cake
  • Compatible with all my prim animators

For case, if you want to trigger a Pim Animation named "msg" using my free Prim Compiler, merely use this block with the animation name and the number i:

Prim Animate "Msg"

If you want your ain copy for your ain web site, I set up the source lawmaking in a zip for y'all, but extract it and put it on your own server.. It is bachelor for non-commercial use nether a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike iii.0 Unported License ( .

Linda Kellie - Open Sim Creations

I have gear up a database of all my open source sculpts and DAE files, along with the files from Linda Kellie's amazing work. This contains over 1,000 items, including OAR, IAR, DAE, OBJ, and TGA files.

Linda deserves a lot of credit for her wonderful work. She has been a true pioneer of Virtual Worlds. I wish her the best of luck and success in all her ventures.

Call up Our Veterans This Memorial Twenty-four hours

Traditionally, we fly the American flag on Memorial Day. Hither is a elementary manner to express your appreciation for our veterans via 2nd Life, by adding a waving, animated American flag to your parcel:

mesh bird

You can add your ain state'due south flag to the display, too, provided that it is underneath the American flag, or on a divide flagpole lower than the American flag, as required past flag etiquette. You should fly the flag of the United States at half-staff from dawn until noon local time on Memorial Day.

Standard Avatar Sizes

Standard Sizing is a organisation that standardize avatar shapes so that rigged mesh vesture tin be created to fit about adult human avatars. This lets yous comfortably purchase rigged mesh vesture and accessories. There is a zero file for designers of 5 shapes representing the 5 nigh common adult human male and female person avatar sizes in 2d Life: Extra Actress Pocket-sized (XXS), Actress Small (XS), Pocket-size (S), Medium (Thou), and Big (L).

Download (17 MB zip). They are full permissions.

This zip file has OBJ, Maya, ZBrush and Blender files for mesh wear and avatar designers, all fix with UV mapped materials so that standard skin templates can exist used.

If you simply want to habiliment standard size habiliment, standard sized avatars are available on the Marketplace.

Standard Sizing was created past Minnu Palen & Thora Charron, Siddean Munro, Elie & Anouk Spot (of Mon Tissu) and Jaden Celoe & ShaySibrian (of Celoe)

Correct click the last moving-picture show

Ane of the best tools for Second Life (and OpenSim) is a correct mouse click to get the last scene you saw when you concluding logged out.

For me, information technology's ordinarily a very proficient prototype because I have my camera focused on Waving girl, (e'er a keeper) and I would hate to lose her.

And so here is how to salvage that terminal motion-picture show with a right click. (Windows only)

Simply go to a regular file explorer and in the path at the summit, type in "%APPDATA%" without the double quotes. Yous will see a window open to a folder on your hard disk. Navigate to the "SecondLife" folder (or "Firestorm" or any other viewer proper noun), then navigate to your avatars' name. Locate the file proper name "Last_screen.bmp", and correct click it.

Now select "Send to", then "Desktop (Create shortcut)" as shown here. Click for a larger image.

When yous log in and come across a nifty "final film", before yous log out, just go to the desktop, click the new shortcut, and the motion-picture show volition open whatever app you have associated with BMP files, gear up to save information technology in a new folder.

Aire in awesome style

Now thank you to Aair Resident, you Mac owners can practise this too. But navigate to Domicile->Library->Awarding Support->2d Life->Your Avatar Proper noun, and you will find the same thing.

Aair also fabricated a nifty piddling chart to prove you where it is: Just click it for a larger epitome:

Chart for Mac Nuts

ScripTastic Update

I've updated ScripTastic to make information technology easy to utilise with my costless prim animator compiler with a lot of new building blocks.

Hither is an case of a tip jar:


ScripTastic now supports dozens of useful and like shooting fish in a barrel to employ script blocks that piece of work in both Second Life and OpenSim.

  • No coding knowledge required
  • No download needed - open source
  • Drag and drop "Scratch-like" interface
  • Lots of Events, Sensors, Listeners, Control blocks and Motility blocks
  • Prepare to use in OpenSim and Second Life
  • Prim Animator Cake to trigger any of my free Prim Animators
  • Compatible with all my prim animators

How to brand Aili, a Free Mesh Anime Avatar for 2d Life and Opensim

Aili is a one-half-sized Anime daughter with blinking optics, a mesh dress and mesh hair. She is like shooting fish in a barrel to make and colorize. There is only one script required.



This article shows you how to make an animated zombie walk around waving his arms threatening people. If you click information technology to expiry, he falls apart into pieces, then reassembles himself to shuffle on his manner to the next victim.

Yous can ride the zombie and control it to carry you anywhere, also. When yous hop off, information technology will fall autonomously, reassemble itself, and stumble abode. This arrangement works in 2nd Life only (not OpenSim) due to the vehicle-like controls.

Workflow for making a new UV map from an existing one.

Sometimes you want to alter a the textures on a mesh in Second Life or Open Sim, and you have a modifiable mesh object. Yous may have a UV map for the mesh. Maybe non. So how do you figure out the map?

Here is a workflow for working on new UV map for any arbitrary mesh.

Second Life and Open up Sim Color Picker for Scripts

The color picker in your viewer is a wonderful tool, but it only works in-earth, it sucks for scripts, and it'south friggin Immy useless when not in a virtual earth. The only culling I take found didn't evidence many colors. So I fixed up the JQuery color picker and made information technology exercise the piece of work for y'all Second Life and OpenSim scripters. License is MIT (Open up source), then anyone that knows JavaScript or JQuery can swipe it from me for your own web site.

Drag your mouse over the color palette, or enter a value in the boxes, and yous volition become the LSL colour vector in the bottom, set for use in any script.

Permalink: Color Picker

Peak x things here in 2012

These are my meridian post for 2012 from i,419,770 pages viewed last twelvemonth, past 156,642 unique visitors, excluding robot web crawlers.

Top Posts in 2012:
# one Free Prim Animation script. Replaced by the Prim Animator Compiler
# ii Make a Breedable Pet Troubot Robot for 2nd Life
# 3 Brand a Breedable Pet Bird for Second Life. Non a proficient idea to utilize this any more, it was replaced past the Pet Robot scripts to a higher place.
# four 2000 Radio Stations for 2nd Life and OpenSim
# v How to make a realistic fish, err, mammal, in Second Life
# 6 2nd Life Dress Previewer updated
# 7 Convert GIF to 2d Life
# 8 Automatic Phoenix viewer Parcel Windlight settings
Elevation x Scripts in 2012:
# 1 The Single prim animator script. Now replaced by Prim Animator Compiler
# 2 XS Quail breedable pets. Replace by the Pet Robot scripts
# 3 Gif to Second Life
# 4 Wink Water for Second Life
# 5 Security Orb
# vi XS Pet Ager - helps to debug the pet scripts. Beats me why it was popular
# 7 Make it Rain
# viii Company List Maker
# nine Multi-Honey Pose Ball
# 10 Spy on other Avatars

All advertizing revenue from clicking this ad is donated to developers.

Tandy the Fairy Nymph


Tandy the Precious stone Fairy needs your assistance! A demon has been sexting her with nasty conversation messages and chasing her effectually the virtual worlds. She had a night-mare, caught it and rode the mare away, and is now hiding in my computer in a zip file. She needs an Ogre like y'all to rescue her from my virtual earth, and bring her to yours.

Hither is a complete set of tutorials on how to make a very tiny avatar, including wear, scripts, AO and much more!

Royalty Gratis textures

I was out looking for a nice wood texture to use in Phaze Demesnes, and as usual, could non detect what I needed. So I fired up Wood Workshop by Spiral graphics and made i. This is a wonderful gratuitous tool for making wood and brick textures that I have used for years:

Then I got curious to come across what else they make, and discovered that they have a as wonderful (and free) texture viewer with access to hundreds of modifiable and useful textures for Second life and OpenSim users.

How to free Lucy the Angel, and let her to alive in a dragon-egg firm

Lucy is an angel that wants to fly and live in a dragon egg. She has been stuck in the Stanford 3D Scanning Repository as very large 116 million triangle angel, but she actually wants to be a two-prim angel and to exist able to fly. She wants to live in a v-prim dragon egg.

Then she needs your aid! Once you have brought Lucy into your virtual world, just click her dragon egg dwelling. It will open like a flower and let her roam around. Clicking her dwelling once more calls her back, and she volition expect for you to summon her again.

Lucy can fly in Second Life and OpenSim grids, or any other virtual earth that supports mesh objects.

And then lets go free Lucy!

Second Life Avatar meshes in AC3D and OBJ format

If you similar to make wearable for OpenSim and Second Life, yous demand the right tools. Things like John Durant'southward' SL Clothing Previewer are neat, but you need tools to pigment on the dress. Simply the Lindens don't provide OBJ files with the right UV mapping for clothes.

But the Avatar Databank does!

Zee Pixel has put together a consummate set of male and female body parts with the correct UV mappings that let you pigment directly in Adobe Photoshop n a 3-D avatar.

I've combined that with high resolution open source templates into a DAE file all ready for you to draw on. Just click the movie to become the zip with male person and female avatars and templates in Collada format prepare to load into Adobe Photoshop:

Easily make gratis mesh copse for OpenSim and Second Life

Every once in a while I discover a actually good free tool for Second Life, OpenSim and other virtual worlds. Tree[d] is one of those swell free tools for Windows users. It is an easy to use still powerful tree and foliage maker that makes mesh trees with merely a click of a mouse:

Tree samples

Tree[d] is particularly useful for OpenSim based worlds that support mesh, as large numbers of mesh triangles add upwardly quickly in Second Life.

And then here is the piece of cake way to make mesh trees

Thousands of free 3-D CAD models you tin apply in 2nd Life and OpenSim

Way too many web sites allow you go free 3-D models, but they volition non allow you lot transfer them to other people or utilise them in virtual worlds.

So I sought out the best places to go Artistic Commons and unrestricted 3-D CAD models for you to relish.

Five web sites with thousands of gratis 3-D CAD models.

42 minute music and speech histrion/broadcaster for Second Life.

Ever been to a museum and been given a headset and histrion that speaks and plays music whenever you lot become next to an exhibit? This set of scripts makes that happen in 2d Life or OpenSim. It'southward ideal for artists, exhibits, sim owners, and landowners anywhere. You can utilize it to tell the story of your world, to announce what a piece of art is nigh, give directions ("yous are on the path to ..."), or anything else you dream up. You lot can play whatsoever length of music, spoken words, or conversation to speech from my free text-to-wav file program, upward to 43 minutes long, without using shared media. You tin can single play, or loop forever, also.

More information in the mail service.

Sphere Globe Open Source

I've released my Sphere Globe into the Open source community. You tin become the scripts for pet animals and the world ( file at my download link and the instructions and scripts at this link.

Sphere World has 3 versions: One is a globe y'all can walk on by clicking a pose brawl. It finds the nearest sphere world and you can actually walk on information technology!

The 2nd use is a set of replacement scripts for xs_pets that lets pets alive and brood on a sphere.

The third way to use them is to make non-breedable things live on a sphere.

I've got a fix of robots living on a moon in the dome at Phaze Demesnes as well equally some nice petty elves that live on a sphere. They are upward and running free, besides, so visit Phaze Demesnes and grab a copy.

Ferd's Text-to-Moving ridge converter, the like shooting fish in a barrel way

This text to speech tool lets you create Second Life™ compliant 44 kHz audio files of any text that you type in.

You can speak in female or male voices, also. A set of <XML> commands lets you control pitch, speed, and accent.

These are extremely useful in 2nd Life™. I used them a lot. Use the LSL script control llPlaySound("sound proper name",ane.0); to play them in-earth.

How to add together textures remotely to your XS Pet

You can now make your pet breed with textures! This has been the most requested feature for XS_Pets for some fourth dimension at present. At that place is a plug-in script that goes into your pet, and a script that goes into whatsoever erstwhile prim somewhere in Second Life along with your skin textures. It works on simple pets are complex pets with multiple textures, likewise.

This new feature allows you to both color and apply any texture to any prim in your pet, and do it remotely. You can add more than textures for rare breeds at any time. And it's really easy to prepare.

Read the post

Awesome Lighting effects

The always crawly Torley Linden shows how to use low-cal casting with a unmarried prim to brand impressive photographs in 2d Life

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Free tools to make machinima movies in Second Life

This article is near free tools for making machinima movies for YouTube and Vimeo in 2d Life.

Demand to do some movies? Want to blog about writing web pages and other stuff? I've institute the perfect choice for recording video for Second Life and for lessons. I've added tips in the article on how to eliminate HUDS, how to get rid of the User Interface, and how to make your camera movements smooth.

This article is most Camstudio - a free tool for recording video of your unabridged desktop, a specific region, or a making tutorials. It's perfect for recording Second Life videos, and all-time of all, its costless!

Red Adept and Minion

Search dozens of selected web sites for OpenSim and LSL script

New! Script Meta-Search volition search thousands of scripts here and at other sites for LSL or Opensim scripts.


Make an animated mesh frog chase and eat a problems - Best Second Life tools

Mesh leapord frog

OpenSim and Second Life have many wonderful artists who tin sculpt and build wonderful items. Everywhere I go I see great looking animals and objects. But those objects are merely sitting there! Maybe they movement a head or blink and center, but that's most all I come across. It makes information technology far more than dramatic when your critters move and showroom creature-like beliefs. In that location seems to exist a lack of knowledge or skill on how to do elementary movements, perhaps considering people do non know how to script, or if they do, what tricks you lot tin can use to do these furnishings with.

Pets can move about using several techniques, such as prim movement, llMoveTo physics, as vehicles using physics, and with the several new path finding commands. OpenSim has a variety of poorly behaving physics engines, and I desire to keep this uncomplicated. In honor of the people who institute a new species of leopard frog in New York, I made a mesh frog and a moving issues for it to eat and a prepare of scripts to animate them This commodity volition show you lot how to do basic brute behavior and movements effects using the simplest possible method of prim movement:

  • Movement within a bounding surface area
  • Pursuit of prey
  • Eating beliefs
  • Walking effects
  • Casualty movement
  • Casualty being eaten
  • Prims: 6 for the frog, 2 for the bug

You tin can make this pet easily and modify it for your own uses. This is licensed and then you cannot sell this frog, only y'all are gratis to make and sell whatever products that are based on this products scripts using these techniques.

I rate this as a elementary project that anyone can build. You practise not need any knowledge of making scripts, sculpts, or meshes, except how to add together them to a prim. I am including some all-encompassing notes on how you can make your own bugs and pets using my techniques, but you can skip these steps.

OpenSim users: Because this project is based on mesh, it requires OpenSim version 0.7.2 or college

Make your own Blithe frog that chase bugs

Best Sculpt Map templates for Second Life

Using sculpt templates was the only way to paint in 3-D for a long time. I finally decided to pay for Photoshop CS5 then I could paint directly in iii-D, and I figured that was the stop of need for the sculpt map. However, I realized simply at present that I still employ these sculpt maps every day, to cheque for alignment of meshes and mapping the textures in dissimilar ways.

I was just making a new mesh foot for my horse. I thought I was done, and information technology seems to await practiced when textured, but the UV map said otherwise.

I had bug with the hooves. The prim on the left has problems in the B2-B3 area, and the prim on the right has been fixed. The fix dropped 20 vertexes and 57 surfaces from the ane on the right, which reduces lag and makes it look better at the aforementioned time.

Problem with rim ordering

So hither are 3 sculpt maps including the 1 I utilize most frequently, from the Second Life® Wiki, Copyright © 2007-2009 Linden Research, Inc. which are licensed under the Creative Eatables Attribution-Share Alike three.0 License. Click them to get the total sized templates, salvage them to disk, and enjoy!

Classic UV Checker Sculpt alignment by DanielFox Abernathy UV Checker by Void Singer
My Favorite UV Checker, by
UV Checker past
DanielFox Abernathy
UV Checker by
Called Few
Best for painting Shows the exact location of the vertexes Good for prims in-globe for adjustment textures considering it is in decimal and matches the offsets in the viewer.

Brand a Bee fly to flowers and gather dear in Second Life

bee sign

It'south time to give away a bunch of my work once more. I've always loved birds and bees and I love to make things that are unusual and unique. This bee was inspired by this sign I saw at the Texas Land fair.

I'll show yous how to make a v-prim bee that gather beloved from one-prim flowers, and takes information technology back to a 1-prim beehive. I'm giving away some difficult work here! The wing sculpt lonely took me weeks to figure out. Since I wanted this to work in OpenSim, too, I had to come up with a function to replace the (broken) llLookat() arrangement telephone call.

This projection includes several neat tricks I've learned and will teach you:

i) It uses non-physical move, so it is very low lag. Except for a small burst of script activity every 5 seconds, this script uses few resources.

2) It works in OpenSim thank you to a nifty replacement for llLookAt(). If you are a scripter, you will beloved the function face_target().

two) This bee uses a very fast wing-movement effect that has no server-side lag at all, even for very loftier wing rates. This is the same trick I have used in my freebie butterflies, fairies and hummingbird projects, and now you lot volition know how the trick works. There is a template included so y'all can brand your own wings. I've never seen it published before. This is a zero-lag effect.

Read the postal service and make you ain bee for collecting pollen!

Off-sim Pose Balls for Second Life

Usually avatars cannot go off the edge of a sim. But a uncomplicated play a joke on will allow you move your avatar off the edge. Even ameliorate, you can dance, walk, or wing!

I fabricated a set of sculpts and a prissy demo of this effect in an off-sim dance floor. In addition, I've modified a camera control script that you lot can add to existing pose assurance.

Read this mail service for more information and all sets of sculpts, textures and both scripts.

2000 Radio Stations for Second Life

Want to play music on your state in Second Life? Here is a listing of several g streaming stations that are uniform with Second Life.

These are the Top-most-listened-to radio stations on the Internet in dozens of categories.

This table of radio stations refreshes daily from the about popular stations in the world out of over 60,000 stations.

More than and More Tools and tip and tricks

Wait! There are many more Free Tools, Tricks and Tips in function 2!

How To Upload A Gif Into Second Life,


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